Happy New Year – Here’s to better!
“Mrs. Betterman” here! For many people, the New Year is about resolutions and goals. Every year you come up with a list of to-do’s, try so hard to stick to your plan and then week two of the new year…
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Be Healthy. Be Happy. Be Better.
“Mrs. Betterman” here! For many people, the New Year is about resolutions and goals. Every year you come up with a list of to-do’s, try so hard to stick to your plan and then week two of the new year…
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STOP THE POP. Depending on where you are from, you may call it pop or soda. I call it evil in a can. There is simply nothing good about soda – empty calories and artificial flavors and coloring. Diet varieties…
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I spend quite a bit of time online researching health and fitness topics so as advertisers, Facebook in particular, get better at understanding my browsing habits and targeting their ads, you’d expect to see advertisements for products that accurately zero…
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