Memorial Day certainly looks and feels different this year. Our gatherings may be smaller and our travel more limited, but we can still honor the spirit of the holiday by remembering those who have given the ultimate sacrifice both in war and those we’ve lost in the fight against pandemic. So fly the flag, reflect on our fallen heroes and by all means enjoy good music, cold beer, BBQ, and spread your joy to friends and family whether near or far. Happy Memorial Day!
Change is inevitable. Embrace it.
For many of us, Memorial Day signals the start of summer. There’s just something that feels right about enjoying a cold beer from the can at a BBQ, the beach, while camping or just lounging by the pool. Fortunately, we’re no longer limited to cheap light beers (although, I could make a case for an ice cold Miller Lite on any of the occasions mentioned above). Nowadays, more and more craft beers are turning up in cans – and I like it. Here are a few of my favorites. Show me your cans!
File this one under the absurdity of the internet. A lot has changed over the last few months. For Amazon Prime shoppers who were used to buying household goods and expecting two day shipping (and sometimes same day or within hours), our world was flipped upside down. Toilet paper became unavailable and shipping times for all items have extended well-beyond two days and, in some cases, becoming weeks or months. The shortages and delays are expected given our current situation, however, I can’t help but wonder how the promise of technology has failed us when you can’t get TP delivered in a reasonable amount of time, but allows for a completely random item to be delivered with Prime shipping on Easter Sunday. In this case, it was a nozzle for a garden hose. If I can’t have toilet paper, at least I can power wash my…

Technology is weird when given unknown variables. It’s a pretty nice nozzle tho, LOL.
Empathy and religion of all persuasions are closely intertwined. If religion is how we deal with suffering, then empathy is one of our most important tools.

Something to ponder in today’s changing workplace.

Thanks for reading and I hope you found something here to make you smile. If you did, please share and ride along with us on the web and social.
Be Healthy. Be Happy. Be Better.