The timing is appropriate but this is not a New Year’s resolution. Resolutions don’t work most of the time. We all strive to be better – healthier, smarter, happier, a better friend, husband or father… There are many ways to achieve these things and, thanks to the Internet, we know how to pursue these goals. Knowing what works, what is good for you, or what you should do is easy. Doing is hard.
We don’t need resolutions… this is a REVOLUTION! Revolution has many synonyms – dramatic change , radical alteration, sea change, metamorphosis, transformation, innovation, reorganization, restructuring – this is what many of us are chasing, isn’t it? A life change. Continuous improvement. Breaking from our vices and leaping into a better life. Don’t think diet, think clean eating. Exercise? Make it an enjoyable part of your everyday life. Stress? Destroy it. Be positive, be happy. Love your family, love your friends and let your life revolution spread to everyone around you.
Can many small changes make a big difference in our lives? I think so. Join us on a personal journey to become a better man or better woman by applying personal improvement knowledge in small doses every day, believing that the result will be a healthier, happier, better way forward.
Wishing you all the best today and an even better tomorrow! Happy New Year and welcome to 2014!